Monday, March 17, 2014

You say goodbye, I say hello

You say goodbye, I say hello

Amaris sails the world
St Martin/St Marteen
March 16, 2014

We have now been hanging out in St Martin for the last 6-7 weeks with friends and family flying in and out.  The island has been great with one of the Caribbean's major airports and even a dingy dock where we have been able to pick up and drop off travelers at the airport.  We have found the best restaurants (and know specials - ie, Fish and chips night at Lagoonies on Fridays - Shawn just has the chips, not exactly a balanced meal).

While here we have participated in the daily "net" and have met people that live "on" the island and others that are just traveling through.  Living on the island is a bit of a misnomer, as most of the people that we know that live "on" the island - live at anchor on the island.  As there are only a few months left in the cruising season - a lot of us are realizing the need to move on and explore new islands.  Moving on obviously means saying good bye to many of the friends we have met.  

Many of our friends are heading off to the BVI and we may be shortly following them...  or catching them as we do have an addiction for speed. Two of our friends Tom and Sabrina have been looking the island over for popcorn and left only successful as I gave them 1/2 our stash.  Secretly, this will help us find them Hasel and Gretel style.  Many others are staying behind to continue on with repairs or look for opportunities to make a few more bucks to refill the cruising kitty.  Of course we hope they catch up soon.

We have yet to determine where we are off to next.  If we take a right, we end up at Barbuda - a remote island with beautiful beaches and colonies of birds that can be seen no where else.  We would likely have anchorages to ourselves.  We could then continue exploring in Antigua - another island that would be fun to explore with resources to restock the stores after exploring Barbuda.  Alternatively we may take a left to follow our fiends and make new ones in the BVI.  There is something a little enticing about a palm tree, a nice book, and a few pain killers.  

I suppose where ever we go - we will make new friends.  Either those that slur from the painkillers and tell stories with no point - or those that quack and speak "Frigate."  

Monday, March 3, 2014

lesson learned - Kayak upwind first -return down wind

Amaris sails the world
Anguilla - Road Bay
February 25, 2014

lesson learned - Kayak upwind first -return down wind

Shawn and I had a wonderful down wind kayak to Mead's bay this morning followed by the predictable over priced (under performed) lunch at a beach restaurant.  Kayaking down wind is, well, quite leisurely.  Shortly after leaving the comfort of Roads bay, we were surfing down 2 foot waves watching gorgeous beaches pass us along the shoreline.  After about 45 minutes we turned behind a sandy point into a beautiful bay - Mead bay!

Mead bay is stunning.  Crystal clear water, empty beaches, and a sandy bottom where you can see the rays fluttering about.  Stunning.  Perhaps we will include it on the tour with the parents when they come visit in two weeks.  Perhaps.  Only later were we recommended Blanchard's Beach Shack - which apparently has better food at a more realistic price.  Again, the opportunity is there now for a return visit.

The trip home however...  I don't plan on moving tomorrow.  Shawn and I paddled our hearts out, nearly flagging down a boat for help, as we bashed our way through those waves that were so fun to surf a few hours earlier.  I know that i will be sore tomorrow...  Heck, i am sore now and I just finished the kayak trip a few hours ago.  Fortunately, I can alleviate the pain with a good gin and tonic (or perhaps two).

Tomorrow i plan on kayaking again.  I think we can go downwind to Sandy Island (where there is one restaurant that we know is both awful and overpriced...  no lunch for us there) do some snorkeling...  and catch a water taxi back (with our without our kayaks).

photo is of the beach at Mead's bay.