Monday, May 12, 2014

Sailing the dream , Outremer Cup -continued...

Amaris sails the World
La Grand Motte, France
Outremer Cup -continued...

Sailing the dream

Sailing in La Grande Motte France has been wonderful.  Although the weather has been...  cold (so i have thinned blood), I have managed to make due by wearing either a light jacket or pants (but rarely at the same time).  The last two mornings have started with light winds (on day two causing a delayed start) and these winds have built throughout the day. 

The sailing has been nothing short of spectacular.  Days 2 and 3 involved coaxing every ounce of speed from the wind during the first of two races.  The afternoons (second races) have involved keeping the boats in control while the winds have built to 25-30 knots - each boat owner waiting for the first wimp to reef their sails.  Of course no one did. I believe the competition to be friendly however i never know when people are yelling between boats in French if they are asking for mayonnaise or telling the other skipper they are in violation of sailing rules.  I can say however, that French sailing involves a decent sit down lunch on a long run between marks (two courses and a glass of wine or beer - to support the habits of the Germans on the boat).  All that said, these cats have so much better control when over powered (no tendency to round up) which makes racing a little more calm and the boats more predictable.  

To provide as much exposure as possible to the different boats, visitors were shuffled between boats. Something i was grateful for.  Day one was an older design 45, days 2 and 3 the new 49 (same model as Amaris), and day 4 the 5X (the new flagship of Outremer).  I have always wanted to sail the 5X which is the newest and largest design and has stunning speeds and acceleration.  Fortunately the winds started the day strong (20-30 knots) and we were given a true feel for how the boat performs.  Shawn will be shocked to hear this- but i prefer the size and performance of our 49 to the 5X (59 feet).  The speeds were of course higher, but the boat would literally surge forward at times accelerating so quickly I was nearly knocked off my feet.  The boat was a little "too comfortable" for my taste and seems a great option for someone with crew rather than a couple sailing around the world.  I suppose the dream boat may change.  Perhaps it is time to realize that we are living the dream.

I will be back next year for the 2015 Outremer cup.  I may ask to sail again on the 49, but i will surely ask to sail on the 40.  I think of all the boats, the 40 impressed me the most and looked to be the most spirited.  The boat kept up with the top finishers of the fleet and the cockpit is half the distance above the water of the new boats.  While we were having a glass of wine on the 5X, the 40 had spray flying across the bows and was just to our stern.  Sure the crew members were covered with a bit of salt when they finished, but i think their smiles may have been a little larger from the thrill of the sail.  There is a special word used to describe the spray and water that rushes across the leeward hull as it crashes through the seas..  I am told it that doesn't translate well to English - but roughly as "smoke."   It is a sight that cannot be described - and one i hope to see a bit closer next year when i race the cup.  

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